Kory Borek
Cintia Sanchez
Bilingual Admissions Coordinator
Michelle Feick
Registrar/Student Information Specialist
The Admissions Team is here to help answer questions about our schools, the enrollment process, tuition and financial aid, and the Racine Parental Choice Program. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any team members!
The Admissions Office is located at:
1220 Villa Street (across from St. Catherine’s High School)
Racine, WI 53403
For enrollment questions, please contact the Siena Admissions Office at 262-812-0155 or by email at [email protected]. Para preguntas o ayuda con cualquier paso arriba en español, por favor contacte a Cintia Sanchez, Coordinadora de Admisión Bilingüe al 262-753-1471.
You can now TEXT the Admissions team at 262-598-7017!